Source Code Analysis

According to Gartner, 90% of vulnerabilities exist within the source codes of applications, buried deep within the the workstations of developers, and out of reach from most security tools and tests.

Unfortunately, most organizations do not subject their application source codes to security testing and analysis, which creates a dangerous gap in security between development and deployment.

An organization should always review its own source codes for vulnerabilities, backdoors (by malicious developers, or inserted in source code by viruses), lack of validation, weak authentication and other software security issues.

Having a lengthy experience in developing security systems, >SaturoS_ security experts carry extensive knowledge in software security & secure development practices, and they are members & chapter leaders of globally-renowned software security organizations such as OWASP.

Source Code Analysis

Source Code Analysis

Source Code Analysis

>SaturoS_ experts will perform an in-depth application code analysis to detect security vulnerabilities. Input validation logic, memory management, authentication, API calls and code path flow are all important aspects of software that need to be reviewed and scrutinized.

Source Code Analysis helps in finding security problems that may get masked by the other layers in the network, especially since firewalls can be bypassed through application layer vulnerabilities.

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